New York Divorce Mediation

A fresh approach to divorce, leaving you in control.

Timothy Horgan Timothy Horgan

Trial Lawyer Turned Divorce Mediator

After forty years of being a trial lawyer, why change roles and become a mediator? It is a fair question and while I cannot point to a sudden Damascus moment, I think it was the result of a lifetime of practicing divorce law…

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Timothy Horgan Timothy Horgan

Dividing Property in Divorce Mediation

In New York (and most jurisdictions), property is classified as either marital or separate property. I will define each in more detail in future posts. This post shall assume that the property in question is marital property. If the parties…

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Timothy Horgan Timothy Horgan

Why Divorce Mediation?

Our legal system is intended to be adversarial. Our law is based upon English common law and we believe truth is best determined in the crucible of a contested action. Truth emerges…

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Timothy Horgan Timothy Horgan

Mediating Your Divorce Case Online

We can start with the proposition that there are many reasons why mediating your divorce is preferable to litigation. First, it is far, far less expensive. Second, you are not…

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Timothy Horgan Timothy Horgan

Your Spouse Had an Affair

You discover your spouse is having an affair and you have decided your marriage is over. You decide to hire the toughest lawyer available in hopes of eviscerating your cheating spouse in open court…

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Timothy Horgan Timothy Horgan

Role of a Divorce Mediator

Sometimes clients confuse the role of an attorney with a mediator. If you decide to “take your spouse to the cleaners” and you retain a lawyer you rightly assume that attorney’s role is to represent you to the full extent of his/her ability…

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